====== Git as cmd ====== * download: * https://git-scm.com/download/win * you can download the portable version without mess up your own current system config ====== Git tool ====== * git desktop from github * https://desktop.github.com/ * other * https://www.gitkraken.com/ * https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/ * https://www.sublimemerge.com/ * vs code related * https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mhutchie.git-graph * view graph tree and difference in commits * https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=eamodio.gitlens * (visual view not free) gitLens — Git supercharged (from gitkraken) ====== Command Git cmds ====== The Three States of Git * **Modified**: A file is modified when you have changed it but have not yet committed it to your repository. It is only changed in your working directory. * **Staged**: A modified file becomes staged when you **add it** to your staging area. Here, Git has it marked as ready to be committed in the next snapshot. This means you've told Git to include the updates from this file in the upcoming commit. * **Committed**: Once a file is committed, it means that the data is safely stored in your repository's local database. This updates the commit history with a new snapshot of your project at the time you made the commit. Cmds * start the git-cmd.exe and now you are in a cmd with git built-in, or add git path to your cmd session: set PATH=D:\path_to_git_folder\bin;%PATH% * create a default user if you have not git config --global user.name "AnyOne" git config --global user.email "anyone@any.what" * list config git config --list * create a project folder mkdir SuperWebProj cd SuperWebProj touch index.html * create ignore list inside git directory, create .gitignore file # ignore folder, ignore type of files __pycache__/ *.py[cod] # ignore build folder build/ * cd to the folder where you want to create a repo git init * by default, the init will use this folder as "master" named branch, you can config git to use other name like main or core-feature like name, but you can ignore that for now. * make some files or copy some files into that folder, then add that as changes and make a commit git add *.html git commit -m "starter files added" * check status git status * optional: you can change branch name like git branch -m master main * add everything in the directory that is changed * all new and modified files: git add . * all new and modified + deleted files git add -A * all modified + deleted files git add -u * to view change log git log * use git to zip folder git archive --format=zip -o project_code.zip HEAD project_code * git download a project: cd to root of your project folders, (note: clone will create root folder of the git project, best no space, AnBn style naming) git clone https://proj_url/project.git * git remote source for fetch and push, (this only deal with remote repo), check remote source git remote -v * git list branch, * both local and remote branchgit branch -a * both local branchgit branch * git check all changes to files in detail, this is before changes added (not yet commit) git diff * always get source update before push git pull origin branch-name git push origin branch-name * create branch for a feature or a issue git branch export-feature * switch branch git checkout export-feature * push to remote repo git push -u origin export-feature * merge a feature branch into main git checkout main git merge export-feature * to check which feature branch has been merged into main before, checkout to main, then git branch --merge * to check which feature branch has NOT been merged into main, git branch --no-merged * for already merged branch shows in --merge cmd, you can safely delete those feature branch, as they are already part of main. Extra Tips: * you can use vscode to open the folder project (the one with .git hidden folder), vscode will auto know it is a git project and it has some built-in tool to help you instead of using the git cmd git branch -d export-feature * you may need to set git.exe path if you use above portable one, * go File > Preference > setting , search git path, click edit setting.json, it will pop up the {} dictionary part for you to edit "git.path": "D:\\App_Dev\\PortableGit\\bin\\git.exe", * if you want more help, you can use Github Desktop app, which you dont have to use their github service, you can use add your local disk project folder, you can manage all the git cmd in a visual way, like compare difference and make commit